The Ultimate Checklist for Tattoo Removal Preparation is Super Easy!

Laser tattoo removal is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted tattoos. However, it’s also important to do some tattoo removal preparation before undergoing the procedure to ensure the best possible results. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with some tips on how to prepare for laser tattoo removal.

Consult with a laser tattoo removal specialist or a dermatologist

The first step in preparing for laser tattoo removal is to consult with a laser tattoo removal specialist or a dermatologist. We will be able to evaluate your tattoo and your skin while providing you with personalized advice on how to prepare for the procedure. One major side of laser tattoo removal is knowing your skin type and understanding the side effects that come with it. We can also help you understand the potential risks and benefits of laser tattoo removal, as well as the number of sessions you may need to achieve the desired results, no matter if it’s a full removal or a simple lightening for a future cover-up.

Laser tattoo removal specialist Colorado, tattoo removal preparation
Come visit us for your tattoo removal needs in Evergreen, Colorado!

Avoid Sunlight

During your tattoo removal preparation, it’s important to avoid sun exposure. Exposure to the sun can increase the risk of complications during the procedure, such as burns and hypo or hyperpigmentation, it can also increase the chance of blistering and we want to avoid any unwanted changes to the skin if possible. It’s recommended that you avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks prior to the procedure. If you need to go outside, wear protective clothing and use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

Stay hydrated

Hydration is important before and after the procedure. Drinking plenty of water can help your body flush out any toxins that may be released during the procedure. It can also help your skin heal faster and reduce the risk of complications, not to mention it’s healthy!

Avoid certain medications and supplements

Certain medications and supplements can increase the risk of complications during laser tattoo removal. It’s important to avoid taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as a part of your laser tattoo removal preparation if possible. We understand you might get a headache or something along those lines that would require you to take some of these medications but we recommend not taking an excessive amount of them. You should also avoid taking fish oils, which can interfere with the process overall.

Shaving the area for tattoo removal preparation

Before the procedure, you may need to shave the area where the tattoo is located. I usually only recommend to my clients who have large amounts of hair in the area we will be treating. This will ensure that the laser can reach the tattoo without interference from the hair. If you’re unsure about whether or not you need to shave the area, feel free to reach out to me.

Get plenty of rest

Finally, it’s important to get plenty of rest before and after the procedure. Your body needs time to heal after laser tattoo removal, and getting enough rest can help speed up the healing process. Getting plenty of rest ensures the body is prepped and ready to take on the task of flushing out the unwanted ink as we go through the process of removing your tattoo. It’s also important to avoid strenuous activities for the first 24/48 hours after the procedure to reduce the risk of complications.

In conclusion, preparing for laser tattoo removal is an important step in ensuring the best possible results. By following these tips, you can help reduce the risk of complications and ensure that the procedure is as effective as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about laser tattoo removal, be sure to consult with a dermatologist or a laser tattoo removal specialist.