Unveiling the Secrets of Tattoo Removal Options: Complete vs. Partial!

We all cherish our tattoos (well, most of us, anyway), but opinions can change over time. Luckily, with various tattoo removal options, regrets can become a thing of the past. I can personally attest to this since I’ve begun to remove/cover up my own tattoos. I got them when I was very young, and while the idea was right, and I desired them at the time, the execution wasn’t entirely accurate. This is a common occurrence, something countless individuals share with me when they come in for tattoo removal.

In this post, my aim is to delve into the nuances between complete and partial tattoo removal. I’ll outline their advantages and disadvantages, helping you make a well-informed decision that suits your unique needs.

Complete Tattoo Removal: Blank Canvas

Complete tattoo removal eliminates the entire tattoo, leaving you with a fresh blank canvas. This is achieved through laser tattoo removal, the most prevalent and effective method for erasing unwanted tattoos. You can find it here if you’re interested in the scientific details behind this process. In short, lasers emit high-intensity light pulses that break down tattoo ink into tiny fragments, allowing the body’s immune system to flush them away gradually.

Pros of Complete Tattoo Removal:

how tattoo removal works, tattoo removal options
  1. In most cases, there are no remnants of the old tattoo: Opting for complete removal guarantees that no traces of the previous tattoo remain. This is an excellent choice if you desire a clean slate without visible reminders of your old ink.
  2. Freedom to choose any style or artwork: Removing the tattoo opens up the space for new artwork that aligns better with your current preferences. You’ll collaborate with a tattoo artist to design something that reflects your present identity.
  3. Minimal color limitations: Complete removal empowers you to explore a more comprehensive array of tattoo designs, as you won’t be confined by the need to cover up old colors or patterns.

Cons of Complete Tattoo Removal:

  1. Longer treatment duration: A thorough removal process can span several months, involving multiple laser sessions. The timeframe depends on the tattoo’s size and colors.
  2. Potentially higher cost: Complete tattoo removal might incur a higher cost due to the need for more sessions. However, the expense varies based on factors such as the tattoo’s age, density, and saturation.

Partial Tattoo Removal: Cover-Up Ready

Partial tattoo removal involves using fewer sessions to lighten the tattoo and create a better canvas for the tattoo artists to work with.

Pros of Partial Tattoo Removal:

tattoo coverup options
  1. In most cases, it’s faster and more affordable: Partial tattoo removal typically requires fewer laser sessions than complete removal, making it faster and more cost-effective.
  2. Fewer restrictions: covering up old tattoos without laser requires using a lot of black ink while also trying to design the new tattoo to fit over the old one as best as possible, usually having to go 2-3x bigger. With a laser, on the other hand, you remove these restrictions, and the artist has far more creative control over what you want to do.
  3. More style options: instead of just going with dark colors and heavy saturation, you can work with your artists on brighter, more vibrant looks for your new tattoo and even black and grey options!

Cons of Partial Tattoo Removal:

  1. Limited cover-up options: Depending on the extent of the partial removal and the original tattoo you are dealing with, you may still be limited in choosing cover-up designs. Tattoo removal can be difficult in some cases, and that can also lead to difficult coverups.
  2. Potential visibility of remnants: Depending on the size and complexity of the original tattoo, there is a possibility that remnants of the old design may be visible after partial removal, especially if the new tattoo doesn’t completely cover the area.

Making the Choice: Factors to Consider

The decision between complete and partial tattoo removal ultimately depends on your specific situation, preferences, and goals. This is something I go over with all of my clients, and having been married to a tattoo artist for 19 years now, I’m very well versed in what’s possible and what isn’t; here are a few things you may consider:

Denver tattoo cover up, tattoo removal options
  1. Tattoo Size and Complexity: Larger and more intricate tattoos may be better suited for partial removal/coverup, as complete removal could be more extensive and costly.
  2. Tattoo Placement: The location of your tattoo may also influence your decision. A tattoo on, say, the face, neck, or hands is something that people notice immediately, and this might lead to needing full removal vs. a coverup due to your job or prospected career path.
  3. Cover-Up or Redesign: Sometimes (but honestly not often these days), you can find an artist willing to help you redesign a tattoo you already have. In this case, partial removal is perfect, as you can breathe new and updated life into your existing tattoo without starting over completely.
  4. Emotional Attachment: If your tattoo holds deep sentimental value, you may lean towards partial removal to have an updated version of the tattoo created as your coverup.

Consultation with a Professional (like me!)

Consulting a reputable tattoo removal specialist is crucial before deciding on complete or partial tattoo removal. We can evaluate your tattoo, discuss your objectives, and recommend the most appropriate approach. My consultations are always free, and I’m more than happy to guide you through the process to ensure clarity.

I can’t wait to help you on your journey!

Jim W.