7 Ways to Help Reduce Intense Laser Tattoo Removal Pain

does tattoo removal hurt? What tattoo removal feels like, is laser tattoo removal dangerous

Laser tattoo removal is an increasingly popular method for removing unwanted tattoos. However, the process can be accompanied by some discomfort and pain. Knowing how to effectively manage Laser Tattoo Removal pain is essential if you’re considering tattoo removal or have already scheduled a session. In this blog post, we’ll explore some helpful tips and techniques to make your laser tattoo removal experience as comfortable as possible.

1. Choose a Qualified and Experienced Practitioner

The first step in minimizing pain during laser tattoo removal is to choose a qualified and experienced tattoo removal specialist such as Black Sage Laser. With over six years and thousands of clients, we have a lot of expertise in helping manage pain during laser treatments and continuously work to make the treatments as fast as possible. Our average client only has to sit for 30 seconds to 1 min.

2. Numbing Creams or Anesthetics

Numbing creams or anesthetics can be beneficial in reducing pain during laser tattoo removal, but they can also have side effects. Before your session, consult with your tattoo removal specialist about using a numbing cream. They may recommend applying a suitable product to the treatment area before the procedure to numb the skin and minimize discomfort.

laser tattoo removal chiller, laser tattoo removal pain

3. Cooling Techniques for laser tattoo removal pain

Cooling techniques are another effective way to manage pain during laser tattoo removal. At Black Sage Laser, we use a Zimmer cooler cooling device to blow cold air over the treated area. The cold air helps numb the skin, making the procedure more tolerable. Additionally, ice packs or cold compresses before and after the session can temporarily relieve pain and reduce swelling.

4. Distraction Techniques

Distraction techniques can surprisingly effectively manage pain and discomfort during laser tattoo removal. Consider bringing headphones and listening to your favorite music or an engaging podcast during the procedure. Focusing on something other than the laser can help redirect your attention and make the process more bearable

5. Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques

Deep breathing and relaxation techniques can help you cope with pain and anxiety during tattoo removal sessions. Practice deep breaths before and during the procedure to relax your body and calm your mind. Controlled breathing can help reduce tension and distract from discomfort. Another technique we have found to be effective is humming. Humming can act as a meditative state during the treatments and help you stay relaxed and calm, thus reducing the overall pain and allowing your treatment to be done much quicker.

6. Over-the-Counter Pain Medication

If your tattoo removal specialist allows it, over-the-counter pain medication can be taken before your laser tattoo removal session. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, can help reduce pain and inflammation. However, it’s essential to consult with your tattoo removal specialist before taking any medication to ensure it doesn’t interfere with the laser treatment or your health.

7. Follow Aftercare Instructions

Proper aftercare is crucial for minimizing laser tattoo removal pain and promoting healing after laser tattoo removal. Your tattoo removal specialist will provide specific instructions, such as keeping the area clean, applying prescribed ointments, and avoiding exposure to the sun. Adhering to these instructions will aid in the recovery process and help alleviate any discomfort you may experience.


While laser tattoo removal pain can cause discomfort, following these tips and techniques can help you manage it effectively. Choosing a qualified tattoo removal specialist, using numbing creams or anesthetics, employing cooling techniques, and practicing distraction, deep breathing, and relaxation techniques can all provide a more comfortable experience. Remember to consult your tattoo removal specialist for personalized advice and prioritize proper aftercare. By doing so, you’ll navigate your laser tattoo removal journey with greater ease and achieve the desired results.

The Ultimate Checklist for Tattoo Removal Preparation is Super Easy!

Sun exposure and laser tattoo removal, how tattoo removal works

Laser tattoo removal is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted tattoos. However, it’s also important to do some tattoo removal preparation before undergoing the procedure to ensure the best possible results. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with some tips on how to prepare for laser tattoo removal.

Consult with a laser tattoo removal specialist or a dermatologist

The first step in preparing for laser tattoo removal is to consult with a laser tattoo removal specialist or a dermatologist. We will be able to evaluate your tattoo and your skin while providing you with personalized advice on how to prepare for the procedure. One major side of laser tattoo removal is knowing your skin type and understanding the side effects that come with it. We can also help you understand the potential risks and benefits of laser tattoo removal, as well as the number of sessions you may need to achieve the desired results, no matter if it’s a full removal or a simple lightening for a future cover-up.

Laser tattoo removal specialist Colorado, tattoo removal preparation
Come visit us for your tattoo removal needs in Evergreen, Colorado!

Avoid Sunlight

During your tattoo removal preparation, it’s important to avoid sun exposure. Exposure to the sun can increase the risk of complications during the procedure, such as burns and hypo or hyperpigmentation, it can also increase the chance of blistering and we want to avoid any unwanted changes to the skin if possible. It’s recommended that you avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks prior to the procedure. If you need to go outside, wear protective clothing and use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

Stay hydrated

Hydration is important before and after the procedure. Drinking plenty of water can help your body flush out any toxins that may be released during the procedure. It can also help your skin heal faster and reduce the risk of complications, not to mention it’s healthy!

Avoid certain medications and supplements

Certain medications and supplements can increase the risk of complications during laser tattoo removal. It’s important to avoid taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as a part of your laser tattoo removal preparation if possible. We understand you might get a headache or something along those lines that would require you to take some of these medications but we recommend not taking an excessive amount of them. You should also avoid taking fish oils, which can interfere with the process overall.

Shaving the area for tattoo removal preparation

Before the procedure, you may need to shave the area where the tattoo is located. I usually only recommend to my clients who have large amounts of hair in the area we will be treating. This will ensure that the laser can reach the tattoo without interference from the hair. If you’re unsure about whether or not you need to shave the area, feel free to reach out to me.

Get plenty of rest

Finally, it’s important to get plenty of rest before and after the procedure. Your body needs time to heal after laser tattoo removal, and getting enough rest can help speed up the healing process. Getting plenty of rest ensures the body is prepped and ready to take on the task of flushing out the unwanted ink as we go through the process of removing your tattoo. It’s also important to avoid strenuous activities for the first 24/48 hours after the procedure to reduce the risk of complications.

In conclusion, preparing for laser tattoo removal is an important step in ensuring the best possible results. By following these tips, you can help reduce the risk of complications and ensure that the procedure is as effective as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about laser tattoo removal, be sure to consult with a dermatologist or a laser tattoo removal specialist.

5 Tips for Amazing Laser Tattoo Removal Aftercare

How laser tattoo removal works

Laser tattoo removal aftercare is important. it’s important to take proper care of your skin after the laser treatment to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of complications. In this blog post, we’ll cover some tips on how to care for your skin after laser tattoo removal.

laser tattoo removal aftercare

Keep the treated area clean and dry

After laser tattoo removal, it’s important to keep the treated area clean and dry. This means avoiding swimming or soaking in water for at least 24 hours after the treatment. You should also avoid using any soaps or lotions on the area for the first few days, as these can irritate the skin. While we take all the necessary precautions to make sure the skin stays free and clear of blistering we are still adding a good amount of heat to the treated area. It’s because of this that we always recommend to our clients to treat it like a sunburn. Aloe vera gel is one of the best things you can use when taking care of your tattoo.

Apply ice packs to reduce swelling

It’s common to experience some swelling and redness in the treated area after laser tattoo removal. To help reduce these symptoms, you can apply ice packs to the area for 10-15 minutes at a time, several times a day. This can help to reduce inflammation and soothe the skin. Another suggestion is to take your Aloe Vera Gel and put it in the refrigerator. Cold aloe not only helps soothe the skin and reduce your swelling but it feels absolutely amazing and we can’t recommend that enough!

Use a high-quality moisturizer

After the first few days, you are ok to start using a high-quality moisturizer to help promote healing and prevent dryness. Look for a product that is specifically designed for sensitive skin and is free from fragrances and other irritating ingredients. Another thing to watch out for is to make sure that your moisturizer is keeping your pores open and allowing them to breathe.

During the laser tattoo removal aftercare process we need to allow your skin to release all the heat from the treatment and clogging your pores will do exactly the opposite, possibly leading to blistering and other complications. Once you know you have a moisturizer that helps your skin heal as well as moisturize feel free to apply it a few times a day to keep the skin hydrated and supple.

After tattoo removal, tattoo removal aftercare

Avoid sun exposure

Sun exposure can be damaging to the skin, especially after laser tattoo removal. It’s important to avoid direct sun exposure. Direct sun exposure can lead to hypo and hyperpigmentation and it is important that we take all the necessary precautions to keep this from happening. If you have to be exposed to the sun I always make sure my clients understand to cover the treated area with an article of clothing, preferably in a light color. After the first week you can use high-quality sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 when you are outdoors. This will help to protect the skin from further damage and promote healing.

Following your laser technician’s instructions

I will provide you with specific laser tattoo removal aftercare instructions. It’s important to follow these instructions to ensure proper healing and avoid complications. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to reach out to me for additional guidance.

In conclusion, laser tattoo removal aftercare is essential for ensuring proper healing and minimizing the risk of complications. By keeping the area clean and dry, using a high-quality moisturizer, avoiding sun exposure, and following our instructions, you can help to ensure the best possible results from your treatment.

The Good, The Bad and The Unwanted: A Guide to Tattoo Coverups with Laser Tattoo Removal

benefits of laser tattoo removal, tattoo removal portfolio
tattoo coverup by melis of black sage studio
Tattoo coverup by Melis of Black Sage Studio

Tattoo coverups have become a popular thing over the years for those that may have an unwanted tattoo on their skin. This can come from age, poor execution, or simply a desire to have a better tattoo than the ones they currently have. Let’s face it, the tattoo industry has become quite the art form in the last 20 years and most artists these days have a very different outlook on what they want to tattoo. For those looking to cover up their tattoos, laser tattoo removal has become a popular and effective method.

How laser tattoo removal works

laser tattoo removal uses a high-intensity laser beam to break down the pigment in the tattoo ink. The laser breaks down the ink particles into tiny fragments, which are then absorbed by the body’s immune system and eliminated. The process requires several sessions spaced out over 4-6 weeks, depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo. When getting into the world of coverups the number of sessions largely depends on the tattoo, how it was done, as well as age. Age plays such a huge part in the world of tattoo removal and you can read more about that in my post “Tattoo Removal-Factors-You-Should Know.”

Why should you choose laser tattoo coverup?

While laser tattoo removal can be used to remove a tattoo completely, it’s a very effective option for those looking to cover up a tattoo with a new design. Cover-up tattoos can be more challenging to design and execute due to the existing ink. Most artists have 2 options.

1. coverup the existing tattoo with something organic (trees, water, mountains, etc.) in order to have creative freedom over the new tattoo’s “flow”.
2. Black out the design heavily in order to hide the ink as much as possible underneath.

Denver tattoo cover up
Tattoo coverup by Melis of Black Sage Studio

While either of these options is ok to discuss with your artists the one thing most people don’t talk about is after time goes by and the new tattoos ink truly settles in the skin. Once the new ink settles, the previously tattooed ink is likely to show up underneath the new ink. This is often why we see people who are looking to laser off old coverup tattoos that just didn’t turn out how they wanted them.

Laser tattoo removal for cover-ups works by removing specific areas of the existing tattoo, creating a blank and or lightened canvas for the new design to be applied. The laser can remove most ink colors, making it easier to cover up with new designs or color schemes. This process allows for more freedom in design and can create a cleaner, more polished look for the cover-up.

The Process

Tattoo removal for tattoo coverup Denver Colorado

It’s important to note that laser tattoo removal is not a quick or painless process. Patients may experience discomfort during and after the procedure, as well as potential side effects such as scarring, swelling, and redness. It’s essential to discuss these risks with a qualified professional before beginning treatment.

Choosing the right clinic or professional for laser tattoo removal is crucial to ensure safe and effective treatment. Look for experienced providers who use FDA-approved lasers and have a track record of successful results. Be wary of clinics offering quick and cheap treatments, as these may not provide the best outcomes and may lead to complications.

In conclusion, laser tattoo removal has become a popular and effective option for those looking to cover up or remove tattoos. With the ability to remove most ink colors, the process can create a blank canvas for new designs to be applied. It’s important to choose a qualified professional and discuss potential risks before beginning treatment. With the right approach, laser tattoo removal can help individuals achieve their desired tattoo goals and express themselves confidently.

How precise is laser tattoo removal? A commonly asked question.

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Laser tattoo removal is growing in popularity these days due to the fact that most people have realized they’re not stuck with the tattoos they have and have the ability to remove and or lighten them. Having options for your existing tattoos is such an amazing opportunity IMO because it really helps you be able to fix or eliminate things you’re not happy with.

How Laser Tattoo Removal Technology Works

Laser tattoo removal works by emitting pulses of high-intensity light that target the pigment in the tattoo ink. The light energy causes the ink particles to break apart into smaller fragments, which are then gradually eliminated by the body’s immune system. Obviously, there’s a far more technical way for me to explain all of this but that’s the simple side of it.

The 3 wavelengths of our laser

The Quanta Q-Plus C operates with 3 wavelengths each designed to target a specific color spectrum allowing us to remove a tattoo completely. Below is a breakdown of those wavelengths in nanometers.

  • 1064nm – This wavelength handles all of your inks based in black.
  • 694nm – This wavelength will target the Blue spectrum of colors. Blue, Green, purple, etc.
  • 532nm – This wavelength targets the Red based inks. Red, Orange, Yellow, etc.

As you can see with these 3 wavelengths we are able to target all the colors in a tattoo, or even just 1 of those colors if need be.

Can we remove specific colors?

To a degree yes. Now that you have a general understanding of what each laser wavelength targets let’s talk colors. People like to ask about removing the red or blue from a tattoo so they can re-color it because maybe at the time it wasn’t executed properly and they want to redo it. The answer to that is “yes, to a degree”.

Let’s say I have a Blue circle on my arm that has a black outline around it. As we target the blue ink specifically the laser we’ll also zap some of the black outlines that’s because the blue ink will bleed into the black ink when the tattoo is being created. The same goes for all colors.

Now it’s not going to remove the black ink completely because the blue wavelength (694nm) isn’t set up to see black but it can affect the black line’s edge and cause it to possibly look worse in the end. That being said if my plan is to say remove the blue ink inside the circle and color it in with green, or purple then this becomes less of a worry. If I want to try and remove the blue ink so it’s simply a black outline with no color in the middle, this can prevent a challenge only because we aren’t sure just how much the outline would be affected by the blue ink being removed.

How accurate can the laser get?

targeting words inside a candy heart, laser tattoo removal

Lasers, as we all know, are very accurate, once set up properly they’ll shoot at a specific mark perfectly each time but that’s also not quite what we are talking about here. In this case, we are talking about “can you remove this letter of my tattoo?” or “can we get rid of just that line that was messed up?”. The answer is, “YES WE CAN!”

I have a few clients I’m currently working with and we are doing just that. These clients have full sleeves and we are targeting specific tattoos in their sleeves or say a set of words inside a candy heart. It’s fun! Laser technology has brought us the ability to do so much more than just remove a tattoo completely.

In conclusion, you are never stuck with what you have these days. With some time, patience, and laser tattoo removal you really have the ability to do whatever you want to do with your tattoos in regards to coverups, removal, or even just fixes. Don’t let your old or simply poorly done tattoos discourage you from having the beautiful work we all strive for and don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any and all questions you might have regarding an idea or plan you thinking about!

Understanding the Risks and Side Effects of Laser Tattoo Removal for Dark Skin

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If you have dark skin, the process of removing a tattoo can be more complicated than for those with lighter skin. However, with advancements in laser technology, it is now possible for people to achieve laser tattoo removal for dark skin safely and effectively. Below is a guideline for what you should know when getting laser tattoo removal for dark skin.

Why is laser tattoo removal different for dark skin?

Dark skin contains more melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. This extra melanin can make it more challenging to remove a tattoo with lasers because the laser energy can be absorbed by the melanin, causing damage to the surrounding in. Issues such as hypopigmentation are a factor when removing the tattoo. Still, with darker skin and the Quanta Q-Plus C laser, we have been able to combat these side effects quite well, leaving little to no scarring on darker skin types.

What to expect during the laser tattoo removal process

During a laser tattoo removal session, we will use the latest in laser technology to break down the tattoo ink into small particles that can be absorbed by the body. The number of sessions required for complete removal depends on several factors, including the size, location, and age of the tattoo, as well as the color and type of ink used. Darker skin can result in more treatments than normal simply because we use a “low and slow” method to ensure a safe procedure for skin types 4 and above. Below is a copy of the Fitzpatrick Scale where you can reference what you think your skin type would be.

The Fitzpatrick Scale, tattoo removal for dark skin


After the treatment, it is common to experience some redness and swelling, which should subside within a few days. Sun exposure should be avoided for 2 few weeks to minimize the risk of pigmentation changes. This is most important for skin types 4 and above due to the added melanin in the skin. Overexposure to the sun after laser tattoo removal for dark skin has a higher risk of pigment changes and there’s no point in getting a tattoo removed just to be left with a permanent scar where the tattoo was in the first place. Outside of these factors, the aftercare is the same for all skin types. We highly recommend following our aftercare sheet for the best results in your tattoo removal process.

Choosing the right practitioner for laser tattoo removal on dark skin

When choosing a practitioner for laser tattoo removal on dark skin, it is important to select someone who has experience and expertise in working with dark skin. This is due to the process being slightly complicated, and a skilled practitioner will have the necessary knowledge and tools to safely and effectively remove the tattoo. With over 6 years under our belt removing tattoos we have seen our fair share of tattoo removal for dark skin and are very confident in our ability to see great results no matter what the challenge.

In conclusion, laser tattoo removal for dark skin is a viable option for everyone. With advances in laser technology and the expertise of our laser technician, tattoos can be safely and effectively removed, allowing people with dark skin to move on from their old tattoos and embrace a new, chapter in their lives, even if that means getting a new tattoo over the old one. Always talk to your laser technician and ask as many questions as you can. We are very open and knowledgeable about this process and have no problems sitting with our clients making sure they are fully aware of the entire process, start to finish.

Laser Tattoo Removal, 7 Things You Should Consider.

OG Frog 1 scaled

Tattoos are a popular form of self-expression, but for some, they may no longer hold the same meaning or significance as they once did. For these individuals, laser tattoo removal may be an option to consider.

Before undergoing laser tattoo removal, it is important to consider the following:

OG Frog 1
Green frog tattoo on the ankle

Color of the tattoo:

Different colors of ink absorb different wavelengths of laser energy, making certain colors more difficult to remove than others. For example, black and blue inks are typically easier to remove, while purple and brown inks may be more challenging. With laser tattoo removal we face color challenges all the time and we have plenty of options to try with even the most stubborn inks.

Size of the tattoo:

Larger tattoos may require more treatment sessions than smaller ones. The size of the tattoo can also mean there is far more ink involved in the tattoo. We talk to our clients about the amount of ink in a tattoo and how that can affect the removal process greatly. A tattoo that has been filled in with great depth and heavy amounts of ink such as a Tribal or Neo Traditional tattoo will take more treatments to break down than a Black and Grey tattoo will.

Location of the tattoo:

Tattoos located in areas of the body with thin skin, such as the face or ankle, may be more sensitive and require extra care during the removal process. Another thing is that tattoos closer to the heart have been known to remove faster. Blood flow plays a big role in tattoo removal and the closer your tattoo is to the engine the better your body’s ability to provide the necessary blood flow to work on it.

The cost:

Laser tattoo removal can be expensive we really can’t sugarcoat this part. But we can say that prices vary from tattoo to tattoo. I.e. a solid square that’s 4″ in diameter would be around $200 per session but if that same square was just an outline it would only be $99. If you would like to read an article on tattoo removal costs and what to expect you can do so here.

The pain:

laser tattoo removal chiller
laser tattoo removal chiller

The procedure can be uncomfortable and may cause pain or discomfort during or after the treatment. At Black Sage, we use what’s known as a Chiller, a cryo machine that blows out -27º cold air to help numb the skin during the process but the biggest highlight is the time factor. Most people don’t realize that the average tattoo removal treatment only lasts 30 seconds to 1 minute. Our clients often tell us “ya it can be painful, but it’s so fast that it’s very manageable.”

The healing process:

After the treatment, it is normal to experience redness, swelling, and some tenderness in the treated area. You should keep the area clean and moisturized using aloe vera, and avoid exposing the area to the sun or other forms of UV light until it is completely healed. We recommend our clients keep the treated area out of direct sunlight and soaking in water for 5-7 days after treatment. Showers are permitted after 24 hours.

The age of the tattoo:

Age plays such a huge role in laser tattoo removal. Tattoos under 5 years old are considered new in our world and can take a few more treatments to lighten or remove completely. 10 years and older and you fall into the spectrum of normal removal times. 20+ years will knock down your removal time by 25% or more and if you happen to have a 30+-year-old tattoo you can pretty much see amazing results in only 1 or 2 sessions. Now, remember the type of tattoo, skin type, health, and tattoo location all play a factor in this as well.

The results may vary:

laser tattoo removal after 2 treatments
20-year-old tattoo after 2 treatments

It’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. It may not be possible to completely remove a tattoo, particularly newer or larger tattoos. Although these tattoos can be challenging we have seen great results with our treatment procedures and are always happy to talk to everyone about whatever challenges they might be facing on a full removal as well as coverups.

Laser tattoo removal is a non-invasive procedure that uses laser energy to break down the ink particles in the tattoo, allowing the body to naturally remove the ink over time. This procedure should always be performed by a licensed professional such as our technician at Black Sage Laser.

Overall, laser tattoo removal is a safe and effective option for those looking to remove unwanted tattoos. It is important to carefully consider the factors listed above and to book a free consultation to determine the best course of treatment for your tattoo or tattoos.

The Journey of Tattoo Removal: How Laser Technology Changed the Game


The history of tattoo removal can be traced back to ancient times when various methods were used to remove tattoos. However, it wasn’t until the invention of laser technology in the 1960s that tattoo removal became a more viable and effective option. Nowadays technology is very efficient and we have the ability to remove and lighten tattoos with little to no scarring or damage to the skin at all.

Early methods of Tattoo Removal

Salibrasion tattoo removal results
Salibrasion tattoo removal results

Early removal methods, such as Salabrasion or Dermabrasion. The process of sanding down to deeper levels of the skin with a high-speed rotary device and involves physically abrading the skin to remove the tattoo. Needless to say, these methods are often very painful and result in very bad scarring as you can see in the example here. I can’t stress enough how much I do NOT recommend these methods for getting rid of your unwanted tattoos.

Laser Technology

With the invention of laser technology, tattoo removal became much less invasive and resulted in fewer side effects. The first laser designed for tattoo removal was the Q-switched ruby laser, which was developed in the 1960s. This laser emitted short pulses of intense light that broke down the ink particles in tattoos, allowing them to be absorbed and eliminated by the body.

At first, this laser worked quite well for tattoo removal due to the fact that most black tattoo inks were based on the color blue and the “ruby” laser sees the spectrums of blue the best. this means, blue, green, purple, and so on. The challenge came later on as tattoo inks progressed and ink companies found deeper darker black inks by basing them in browns and other colors. When this happened the Ruby wavelength started to prove less effective against these colors.

Full Laser tattoo removal treatment
Full Laser tattoo removal treatment

In the decades that followed, other types of lasers were developed, including the Q-switched Nd: YAG laser which would fire at an Nanometer of 1064nm. Penetrating the skin far deeper thus attacking the black inks people were after. Not long thereafter scientists also found that a wavelength of 532nm (half of 1064nm) proved very useful against the red pigments in tattoos and thus you had the birth of the 3-wavelength laser tattoo removal machine such as the one we use, the Quanta Q-Plus C.

Things to remember

Quanta Q-Plus C for laser tattoo removal

Today, laser tattoo removal is a popular cosmetic procedure, with many different types of lasers available to choose from, and knowing what this technology is capable of and what the side effects might be is very important. The type of laser used for tattoo removal depends on the size, color, and location of the tattoo, as well as the patient’s skin type. At Black Sage Laser we trust in the Quanta Q-Plus C and chose this laser over all others like the PicoSure because, after all of our research, we found it was truly the number one machine out there for tattoo removal.

In conclusion, the history of tattoo removal has come a long way since ancient times and even since the days of sanding down the skin, but hey it all had to start somewhere right? With the development of laser technology, tattoo removal has become a safe and effective option for those looking to remove unwanted tattoos or even just lighten them up to get better more modern work. While there is still room for improvement in the field, today’s tattoo removal techniques are much less painful and invasive than those of the past. Make sure you reach out to our professional laser technician and set up an in-person consultation to answer any and all questions you might have.

5 things you should know about Laser Tattoo Removal Aftercare: It’s easier than you think!

X tattoo after

Laser tattoo removal is a popular and effective way to get rid of unwanted tattoos. However, as with any medical procedure, it’s important to take proper care of your skin afterward to ensure the best possible results and minimize any potential complications. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for laser tattoo removal aftercare.

Laser tattoo removal aftercare and water/sun exposure

It’s important to keep the treated area clean and dry. You should avoid swimming, bathing, or soaking the area for at least 24 hours after treatment. We always recommend to our clients not to shower for 24 hours. 1. you will expose the treated area to hot water which can cause adverse reactions like blistering and 2, you can also cause infections to take place due to the skin’s sensitive condition. It’s also important to avoid applying any lotions, creams, or ointments to the area, as these can trap bacteria and cause infection.

laser tattoo removal aftercare
laser tattoo removal after 3 treatments with proper aftercare


Avoid exposing the treated area to sunlight or tanning beds for at least two weeks after treatment. Sun exposure can cause the treated area to become darker or discolored, which can negatively impact the final results of your tattoo removal.

Exercise / Lifting

It’s also important to keep the treated area protected from friction or pressure. This means avoiding tight clothing or jewelry that could rub against the area, and avoiding activities that could put pressure on the area until the treated area is healed, such as heavy lifting. Exercise is a good thing for laser tattoo removal as it gets your blood flowing better and can help the body to remove those particles of ink in your skin.

On the other hand, overstressing the treated area can negatively impact your treatment due to the sensitivity of the skin and putting too much pressure on it. The most important thing to remember is to give your treated area 7 days before returning to a normal workout routine.


While most sports are fine when working on laser tattoo removal there are some that you may need to take a break from. Water sports are not recommended for the first 7 to 10 days after treatment. This goes back to what we talked about with soaking the treated area. While taking a shower after 24 hours is ok, daily activities like swimming will cause you to keep the treated area in the water for a prolonged period of time and that can lead to infection.

Other sports such as golf or basketball are ok but we don’t recommend them for the first 5 days after treatment and we always want to make sure and cover up our treated areas when doing anything outside.

Redness and Swelling

Laser tattoo removal aftercare redness and swelling example
Directly after laser tattoo removal treatment

You may experience some redness, swelling, or mild discomfort in the treated area, which is normal. To alleviate these symptoms, you can apply a cold compress to the area or take over-the-counter pain medication such as Advil. One of the best laser tattoo removal aftercare solutions we have found is using cold Aloe on the treated area. Grab some Aloe from your local store and toss it in the refrigerator, it’s amazing how much it can relieve redness and swelling in the first 24/48 hours. We also recommend a little Cortisone cream for any excessive itching in the area as long as no blistering has occurred.

It’s also important to follow any additional instructions provided by your laser tattoo removal technician or physician. We have laser tattoo removal aftercare paperwork that we send home with each of our clients up completion of their first treatment and it will give you all the guidelines you need in order to have the best aftercare experience possible.

In conclusion, proper aftercare is essential for achieving the best results from laser tattoo removal. By keeping the treated area clean, dry, and protected from sun and friction, you can help ensure that your tattoo removal is as successful as possible. If you have any concerns or questions, be sure to reach out to Black Sage or your physician for guidance.

PFD patch and tattoo removal, the dawn of a new day

Describe PFD Patch

What is a PFD Patch?

Created by DESCRIBE, a PFD Patch is a square of silicone infused with perfluorodecalin (PFD) – a completely inert, harmless liquid that allows your Laser Removal Technician to treat your tattoo up to 4 times with the laser in a single treatment session. Not only does the Patch allow up to 4X as many laser passes per visit compared to conventional treatment, it also helps the laser reach ink particles deep within the skin, which may be particularly beneficial for older tattoos.

PFD has been used for over 10 years to help prevent what we call “frosting”. Frosting is a skin reaction in which your skin turns white during laser treatment. When this happens, we can’t continue treatment because it won’t remove any more ink. Your skin would be too sensitive to continue after frosting, anyway.

Frosting is what makes us have to wait 4 weeks between laser treatments. The way PFD patches came into play was that they would apply the PFD solution after a treatment then wait about 30 min and do a treatment again- essentially working on a single client for a few hours. While this is great for removing the tattoo faster, I can say none of my clients would want to do laser treatments for multiple hours. I mean who would really?

Does the PFD Patch have side effects?

PFD Patch Results

Well to start we can do up to 4 treatment in 1 session. Imagine you can get 4months worth of laser removal results in a single day!? That sounds amazing to me and I know all of my clients would differ on that as an option as soon as I tell them. Secondly its been called “Most Innovative Laser Tattoo Removal Product of 2016” by Patient’s Guide so thats definitely something! Third, most clients are reporting less pain during the treatments with the PFD patch vs. with out it. That right there is the nail in the coffin. I would say the biggest thing aside from cost that my clients talk about with me is the pain side of laser tattoo removal. Now I do offer some numbing creams and what not that can help with the pain of removal but they themselves can also have side effects to the treatments such as slowing the process down in the long run. So again, up to 4 treatments, in 1 session, higher laser levels safer allowing us to remove more ink and reported less pain. Sounds like a no brainer to me.

Does the PFD patch have side effects?

Side effects from the PFD patch are the same as normal laser treatment as as we know all laser removal has possible side effects and we do our best to avoid them at every turn, that being said if we are able to do laser removal in half the time it normally takes with less pain and no additional side effects then count me in!

Aren’t you worried about losing money with the PFD patch?

The cost of the Patch, as well as the cost per session for laser tattoo removal, can vary by each laser removal technician you talk to and the region that you are in. It’s also important to remember that we are able to do up to 4 passes per treatment vs. only 1 at at a time so that will offset the cost of using the patch.

Lets face it, if we can get a better result in half the amount of time its worth it in my opinion. I’ve always maintained the business practice that I would rather get you results as fast and safely as I can so you will recommend me to all your fiends and family that may need help in the laser world. I truly take pride in helping people in my life and the more clients I can help remove an unwanted tattoo or get into a beautiful new coverup the happier I am.

Why should I use the patch?

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  • We can do up to 4 passes in a single treatment vs. only 1. That means up to 4 months of treatments in a single session! (so awesome!)
  • The PFD patch actually absorbs laser energy that can cause more damage to the skin without it therefor making treatments safer.
  • Patients have reported less pain, redness and swelling after treatments with the patch. Less injury can mean you are able to do more treatments sooner than you would normally.